Sunday, 3 April 2011

Libya& ivory Coast crises continue & leaders took strong possition of no chance giving to its people for dialogue!

When Strongmen Become Straw Men(AP)Pro-government supporters demonstrate in Cairo, Egypt(AP)Gaddafi(AP)Libya crises is an African Crises, Ivory Coast is worse then Libya some how cos no international community have paid enough tension to intervien like Libya, people of Ivory Coast and Libya have suffered enough,leaders of Africa should be enough respobsible to deal easily with their beloved innocent people who have chosen their intimate long term serving leadres with honor and no blood!
JAR{Journalists for African Renaissance takes this apportunity to let the other Africans take as a worst example and let freely their people to live long lives with stable way and no killings or damaging the African image which is getting worse then ever in the history of modernasation says the president of JAR,
Ms. Moha Dahir Farah who talked to the international media this day, she says poor investigation is not helping any one while Africans are dying each day with no nesecary case! Although Libya and Ivory Coast  leaders was called  several timesto step down by the American government ,US,EU,AU and world wide concerned organisations but still they have ignored all flexibility and continue thier own ideology.

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